Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 23, 2010

I have had a great week. No nothing more. Its been about the same here. We are dying because it was really cold just like a week ago and now its SUPER hot. Its not gonna snow here but it snowed in the Sierras. Of course she did a good job, its Aly. [Alyson gave a talk in church on the importance of modesty] Actually had heard that one before, but its kinda awkward for the missionaries to teach the modesty part... We usually have an hermana or misionera teach something like that. Awesome though. glad to hear that the missionaries are working hard there. send it to me if you can. I can download it onto my comps MP3 or something. or I can read the lyrics. No package yet, still waiting. They can take a long time. the 6-10 days was probably just to get to Buenos Aires.

Yeah Pres. Salas is doing awesome here. I talked to him alot this week, but I will explain in a second why.
Yeah dont worry everything will be alright with the school. Its always going to be better than here. =P they go to school for like 3 hours and are way wiped after that. hahahaa
Haahahhaha they are silly little argentines. The new suit is really nice I promise.
No Pretty much retired old Ben. and now im Elder Ludlow. Ill be honest Im realizing how much I still have though from that office. If things dont get done, and like it was yesterday I dont accept excuses. I am gonna have to talk to the Bolsa guy because I have been trying to get bibles for investigators since May. I just dont deal with inadequacy. but I deal But yeah I do work and get things done. Still responding though.
Yeah just checked the money sitch. Im kinda sad that I have only five months left. The problem the missionaries are finding is that our assignacion isnt reaching. Its not just bad spending, its that 500 pesos(or 125 dollars) doesnt reach for a whole month. I have it figured on the system of how Wells Fargo works that you have to have your balance just right and know exactly what it is that you want to take out or you have to rack up fees to check your balance and to take out the money and to use a foreign atm and to use a non wells fargo atm. Its kind of rough. I am going to talk to Pres about getting more money for the missionaries. If we are stressed about money and how we will survive its hard to get good solikd work done and stay focused. I am trying hard, but I will be taking out a bit of money. The 2000 I have left gets me 5 more months. So I suppose I´ll see you all in January. =( no dont worry the Lord always provides.
Yes. that cake. Its a good one. If not brownie pudding too with vanilla ice cream.
I have lunch planned with my second mom and we are gonna have pizza and a FHE with an inactive hermana that night. I will be good I promise. I cant promise that I wont start feeling old hahahaha. Still looking for the package, and now I have to look for one from Grandma and Grandpa Staley too. Got a card from Grandma and Grandpa.
So this week was actually really good. We got out working and were plugging along. We did service at the house I told you about. Dario is a recycling guy. He recycles EVERYTHING. not even to be like hippie or anything its his job and he gets pretty good money for it. Yeah we were sorting plastics and cloths and taking apart old oil filters to recycle the sluminum and steel inside. Way fun. Well Dario is gonna get baptized this saturday along with his girlfriend Laura. Its weird to say girldfriend and boyfriend for them because they are 43(Dario) and 46(Laura). So yeah. We talked to President this week to find out about some doctrinal points for our investigators, and for some members here. He is super on top of things. Pres Olsen would be kind of like yeah whatever be obedient and youll figure it out. Pres Salas is very willing to help us and make sure we know what to do. We also got to talk to a member whos grandchildren are being possesed by the devil. Thats right we are gonna cast out demons this week. So ummm yeah. thats about it. Ill let you know how it goes. =)
Well gonna go get me some food and enjoy my pday.
Love you family. I will have tons to tell you this next week. Baptism and Birthday woooh.
Con Amor
Elder Ben
PS Love you all

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