Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 20, 2010

Well my new comp is an old acquaintance from like my second transfer. His name is Elder Lorimer. He is from Seattle Washington, attended BYU-I, and if I remember right is an Econ major. We are in Parque Liceo, which is like one area over from Ayacucho. I'm still in Norte, and I am loving it. We have something like 25 potential baptisms, and we find 20 new people each week. I'm stoked to get to work and get to know the new area here. Our side project is strengthening the members, as it is a Branch, so that they Pray, Read, and Attend Church. In Spanish Orar, Leer, Asistir or Ola. Like Ocean waves or Ola´s the restaurant. Really if every member would READ DAILY, PRAY DAILY, and ATTEND WEEKLY (that includes the activities) the church would be a whole lot stronger. That's honest to goodness one of the major differences between the average member and the missionary. We all should be keeping similar standards, but if we all got up and went to bed on time, read our scriptures and prayed personally and as a companionship (or husband and wife) our lives would improve in a degree that wouldn't allow us to ever stop doing it as we would really truly see the blessings the Lord gives us DAILY, and that He really LOVES us, each of us, so much that He wants to give us blessings, and that He sent His SON, JESUS CHRIST, to give us an example and a pattern for our lives and to sacrifice His life, for each of our mistakes, each of our pains, and sicknesses, and that He understands. I know it. I have gone to Him with those things, and felt relief and strength. I love the Lord. I serve Him. I know that this is His work, and have seen Him work in peoples lives and change them in ways that they never imagined. If those that are not members of this church are changed by the things that we teach, just imagine how they could change you as a member. We teach more than just those three things I mentioned (READ DAILY, PRAY DAILY, and ATTEND WEEKLY) but those are the ones that truly allow everyone to feel the Spirit and to feel the Lords love for us. Is there any greater thing in this world, or that which is to come? Love is the answer, the reason, and the way to just be happy. Love everyone, which means that we have Charity (the Pure Love of Christ) and from charity we get faith, hope, patience, humility, obedience, diligence etc. and we become more and more like our Savior, and our Heavenly Father. I know this is the Lord´s work and I am doing it.

Oh so fun little deal. I forgot to pass on these two stories. Last week we went to see Nico, because well, we hadn't done it in awhile. We were talking to him and just chatting. We give a prayer and get ready to leave. Well just before Nico we had been to see that ie Hno that gives us milk. Well we give the prayer and I get the impression, give Nico the milk. that's weird, but ok. I gave it to him. and asked him if the kids(he has 3: 8, 2, 7 months) had milk. He said no, but now they do. Its fun, and yeah its great when you finally have one of those moments. Well Sunday was Fast and Testimony as well. So Pablo(the bishops son) was being a good Aaronic priesthood holder and watching the door. well I looked over and saw him with tears in his eyes trying to tell himself that he could leave the door and go give his testimony. Well sure he could go, but he didn't understand that, so I went over and told him to go, at first he said that he had to watch the door, but I just told him to go give his testimony. He got up there and just gave one of the best ones I have heard. He went in and said I no longer need to rely on borrowed light from my parents. I now know for myself that this the only true church of God on the earth and that He has called prophets and that we have the Book Of Mormon.... So on. He finshed and came up to me and gave me a big old hug, and I sat down. Those are two things I figured you all would enjoy. Yeah, gonna go tear it up here in Parque Liceo with Elder Lorimer Love you all, and hope the best for you.



Con Amor

Elder Ben

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