Monday, May 31, 2010

May 30, 2010

Another of Ben's stream of consciousness emails for you to decipher =]

Yeah that happens generally. Especially with Frank and Karma in the chapel, your gonna stay back and talk to them a bit....

the people of Ghana and how humble and full of faith they are, how, when they enter the celestial room of the temple, they fall to their knees and pray, instead of chatting about where they are going out to eat afterwards

Thats pretty true, we do do that, even the missionaries in the provo temple do that...

Technology--gotta love it, but it's so easy to abuse. It sure makes it easy to keep in touch with a missionary, though!

Awhhhhh! =P Well it is how it is, and Dad is the best youth leader I know, I wouldnt really question it, cuz it definitely works.

The San Diego Zoo is waaaay bigger than Santa Barbara Zoo--just think, the elephant exhibit alone is 7 acres

Hahahaha whats an acre, I havent thought in miles in a long time, its all metric down here. But really thats alot of space. Just remember that is how I got to be my skinny manly self =P So go for it.

We played Apples to Apples until midnight. They kept it pretty tame, probably because of me, not Alyson. Funny how protective the girls are of my sensibilities! But it was still pretty funny from time to time. We enjoyed getting to know Nick. He is a pretty awesome guy.

Ha ha Im happy Char found her Prince Charming... Well of course they kept it tame. When they get wild the game goes on for 2 hours more than normal because they are laughing so hard.

Alright tell the little one to be good and take lots of pictures and send them to me. =) I cant complain Im in Argentina.

Speaking of the country in which I am at, I remember something you said a few weeks(or two months not sure) ago about meeting Presidente Salas. Idea, if you havent already sent the package, you can ask him to take it with him somehow. =P

All is well here in zion. Its getting colder, but thats not whats really important. I am working and I feel really good about the people here in this ward. I love each of them for their spirits and that they actually want to help the missionaries instead of asking the missionaries to help them. I still havent seen an email from Deb, and really I would love emails from everyone, so with my address here for snail mail put up my email too. It would be great to hear from everyone in the ward all of their experiences. I love you all and am serving the Lord and I know it. He knows it, and I am living up to that calling.
Con Amor
Elder Ludlow

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