Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 8, 2010

Oh the Book Fair. Any new good books out? speaking of books did you get anything from Victor? I emailed him about it. I have no idea what the sister who teaches the primary does, but well I am trying to help myself understand Gospel Doctrine and Priesthood. I think its the basics. Here they have snack time(whether its fast sunday or not) between hours. Its probably just fine though. Still tearing up when you hear primary songs? Yeah Arizona! Just you and Dad or the whole fam damily. Tell Lauren Congratulations from me. well tell the whole family I say hello. Wow Elder Stoddard has got to be tearing his hair out, thats alot of area to be covering, but I guess they technically covered that area anyway since that was the area of that branch. Thats cool about the soon to be Elder Davis. Tell him to be good and no matter what happens in the MTC you will know Spanish by the end. Also that if he gets Hno Rogelio Osuna or Hna Julie Davis that he should tell them Elder Ludlow says hello. Thank you for taking it there. If it is really working just fine, here is what I would like you to do. Send it when you get the razor parts, with some like cake mix or brownie mix, and some mac and cheese(blue box). Heres how it works. Open up the box, and carefully put the camera in it, and put the noodles and stuff in it with the cheese powder. then re seal the macaroni box. It works really well supposedly. So as long as its light(under 2 kilos or about 5 pounds) they wont open it. You declare it as missionary supplies(and yes get virgin stickers and send it in the priority mail box) Also maybe like a pair of gloves or a scarf. It actually does get cold out here and we are heading into fall and then a humid winter(which is a penetrating cold) If you can think of any other fun stuff(I like milky way and fun make a meal powder mix just get the meat kind of stuff) I would love that too. I feel like I can ask for that because guess what? I have lost about 10 kilos. Yeah I remember weighing myself at the beginning(so like 3 days in) and I was at about 107 kilos, I am at about 97 to 96. Its exciting. I have a neck. =P but I have some extra skin which is slowly being filled in with muscle. =) weird to think of that one, you wont recognize me when I am back. I love you mommy. dont stress out too much. The Lord is blessing you and the family and me for this service.
PS Have Dad re write that letter explaining the work things cuz I definitely am not getting it. PPS Tell Alyson to keep rocking the Spanish and that I am waiting still for her biography in
PPSS Tell Sarah that when she has like a few minutes that she should email me about her life of craziness.
PPPSS I love you all!!!

Alright so I dont know if you all know, but mail takes forever to get here. I get everything about a month and a half after it is sent. and most the time things get lost. So if you have something to get to me email me. Its way quicker. You all should have it by now. =) Ok. Unfortunately not much happened this week. We had P-day, and then went to a cita(appointment) with our investigator Beatris. The Spirit wasnt there at all, despite our best efforts, and she was falling asleep from running the kids all around town because school is starting. Then tuesday I was not feeling well at all, and since we were going to be travelling the next day to Cordoba, I took it easy, and we just talked to a few people. Then Wednesday we went and paid the light bill, and the other 2 Elders in our district from Merlo came, and we had lunch, and left for Cordoba. We got there at about 7pm and went to Burger King. I have never had anything taste that good(BK Stacker, it has BACON). then we went to Elder Loader´s old pension in 9 de Julio(a B° in Cordoba) and met his old comp and the zone leaders there. fun night talking about things, because Elder Lorimer went to BYU-I. So thats 3 days shot. then we had Zone Conference. It was pretty cool. We talked alot about focusing on the purpose of being a missionary, how we should be able to go out talking to everyone with a smile, because in reality we know the truth, and that should just make us the happiest people in the entire Villa. Its great to think that even President Olsen agrees that the "Fake it til you make it" works. He in fact used it during conference which I loved. We then went out from the chapel in B° Belgrano and tried to find someone to come back with us to hear the message of the Restoration in 5 minutes. thats right. 50 missionaries all leaving from the chapel with big smiles on our faces and trying to find someone who was ready to hear the restored gospel. It was crazy. like ridiculous. Then we came back and taught 2 people. Way cool. then I got the letter you sent me in the MTC finally. So I had a picture of my two sisters in flannel holding a pellet gun in front of Ruby Sue. I had a few new friends who think Sarah is pretty cute. Too bad, she hates the Argentine accent and they didnt meet the prerequisites or she would have a few new friends. Then we came back from Cordoba after interviews with President. so we got back at about 2am on friday morning with the Zone Leaders in tow. So far 5 days shot. then we didnt wake up in time(not even the zone leaders) and then we made lunch and had to wait out the siesta(cuz it is getting hot again) and then we finally got out to work and found 5 great people we can go by this week. so a little bit of work done. Then Saturday we got up on time, and had studies and it was all great, and then we looked at the pension, and realized it was a total mess from having 8 elders in it for 2 days. so we started cleaning, and cleaned, found out the walls are a off white, that the chimney is made of brick, and isnt painted black, and the the floors exist. Then it was about 12:30 and it was time for lunch, which we had with a great family that lives really far away, came back to the pension and cleaned all siesta time, and then went out and went to another cita with beatris and she wasnt there. great. so we had Sunday, which isnt much, but weekly planning and lunch and Sacrament meeting. So now we are here. I love you all and I know that this week will be better becuase the Lord has alot in store for Villa Dolores, that I am here to do. I am ready to go and do all that the Lord requires and use the new metholds that I learned at Zone Conference to bring others closer to their Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ. I love this Gospel and the light and truth that I see everytime I learn more and teach someone else about how it has blessed me. I know that the Lord provides for all his missionaries, especially those that are serving Him with all their heart might mind and strength.
Chau for now.
Con amor
Elder Ludlow

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