Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15, 2010

Hi Mom!Of course they were funny, its Sarah and Alyson and Lindy. Yeah I´m waiting for my turn with the hair loss thing(its coming I know) but for now I laugh. hahahahahaha. but thats great. He will be good. I have two good memory cards and two san disk. So I wont use those. If it works, it works and I would love to get it. just remember what I told you about hiding it. Its fine to do, missionary moms have been doing it for ages. and use Virgin Mary stickers(I dont know where to get them =( but I hope you can find some) Can you send me Sarah and Aly´s emails? Then I can email Sarah "Happy Birthday" for myself. So this week we had alot of repairmen come to fix the pension. I paid the 170 peso gas bill out of my asignacion(mission money) and was going to have 20 pesos to get me through the month, because our travel money was low and we had to pay alot to get home from Cordoba to Villa Dolores.
This week was great. monday night we set a baptismal date with Beatris(the investigator I told you about last week) It was awesome. It was really funny how it happened, cuz my comp was trying to be a little more smooth, and I didnt catch it, but I was thinking "hmmm we need to set a baptismal date with her" and I asked her to see her Pamphlet for the second lesson(the plan of salvation) which has a timeline deal with the whole plan written out, and under the part called our life on Earth, it has the 5 parts of the Gospel of Jesus Christ( Faith in Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End) and I asked her ,as we were talking about what things Heavenly Father wants us to do while we were here, Which of these have you done? She paused for a second read them, she said, well I have faith in Jesus Christ, even if its just a little bit its growing(we had read Alma 32 with her a few weeks ago) and I have started to repent, you know for my gritos(shouts because sometimes she gets frustrated with her kids). and then she said "well I guess that means I need to get baptized. When can we do that?" It was amazing, because the Spirit just flooded that backyard. she is getting baptized on April 11th. Its amazing how much power the Spirit has when we do what the Lord wants us to be doing. I felt like going out and baptizing the town(which is totally not ready right now) and it was amazing that feeling. Well then this week we had to get some things fixed in our apartment and couldnt leave all that much. It was interesting how the Lord knew that and each of the people that we talked to as they were fixing something, had heard the missionaries, or had a Book of Mormon, or wanted us to come by. Amazing how the Lord knows and prepares people. I love how things are going here, and I am ready to kick some tail this week and show thanks to the Lord for all the blessings He has given me. Well I love you all and miss you a little but I am trying to get some work done here and grow closer to my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ. I love this gospel, my companion, and the mission. Its starting to feel normal to be here in argentina, but wits weird that it feels normal. Im still getting used to it I guess(I ate udder this week...yeah thats right udder)
Con Amor
Elder Ludlow

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