Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 15, 2010

Yeah because of the change with email its not letting me in or it goes suuuuper slow. Good things it forwards here.¡Feliz Cumpleaños Padre! Yeah I am doing fine. It got the other two in the pension later this week, it was something to do with the heat apparently. This week was good. We worked really hard and we have nothing to show for it. =P Its not as bad as it sounds, we went member hunting all week and found some great less actives. Yeah they didnt come, but it was the fact that all the hard work felt like hard work when we were working with the members. We had appointments with investigators, really cool and likely to progress investigators, but we didn´t get to meet with hardly any of them. Its funny how that works. I also had my first of many mistakes in front of a member. We had a FHE and I got to share a thought, completely unprepared. Ouch. It was not good, and I shared something without explaining hardly at all. I felt like crap afterwards, but it just is an example of Keeping It Simple. I am doing well here and I am with my new companion Elder Loader from Mapleton, UT. Hes cool considering I have only known him for 4 hours. Im still here in Villa dolores and working hard to get this Branch out of the pit its been in. I love you all but I am running low on time so I just ask that anyone who reads this sends me an email, with their favorite scripture and why. It should be fun, go for it.
Con Amor
Elder Ludlow

PERSONAL STUFF: First things first: my razor broke. It fell off my bedside table and the shaver foil is busted and inner blade foils are dented. I could use it, but I dont want to have to regrow my face along with my beard.
**insert long, boring description of replacement parts. blah blah blah**

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