Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 21, 2011

Yeah.. the book fair is great, keep a look out for the new Percy Jackson books, and an author named Brandon Sanderson (you would like his stuff its a bit more high level) These were suggestions from Elder Loader. Apparently Bro. Sanderson teaches the creative writing class at BYU. One of his series is called Mystborn. anyways.
Yeah ill probably come and help you out in the primary when I am back. =P

Snow is exciting news. =P We are done pooping. Everything is good and regular =P

Im sorry allow me to clarify that. I traveled to a different area. Its an area about 60 kilometers to the north. They are a small city named get this JESUS MARY. *sigh*

There was an elder that was comps with my comp, so they did and exchange, and I went with my comp to drop him off, and came back with my "comp" for the day. We do service even within the zone.

yeah Elder Grumpy [Ben is referring to himself] is doing a ton better. He just had a "click" moment and now he is working a ton and smiling and cracking jokes. Its kind of off putting. Oh well. He´s doing better and thats all that matters.

Yeah thats about it for responses. on to the what happened this week...
So this week, was....*drumroll* Actually pretty good. We had a great district meeting about changing up how we do things, so that we dont fall into one of those routines, and then friday we had a great chance to talk with Pres Salas as a zone and he gave us all some new instructions and stuff. It was a good refresher. Sometimes we need someone else to give us the perfect word instead of the other way around. None the less. Saturday was still kind of a rough day for Elder Ferrin and I. We just couldnt get the right rhythm. So we tried to enjoy the day despite some hard rejections. We had a woman answer the door, I stuck my hand out to shake her hand, asking her how she was doing and she responded: "I am NOT from your religion, so get back." I normally would have been a bit more forceful and tried to figure out why, but she just honestly scared the crap out of me, so I walked away mumbling an apology. then lunch cancelled on us, then we got headed back to get food from where we were. i was kind of down. But then this big truck(we are walking along the main highway the part that goes through town) starts honking furiously and waving at us. Great Im thinking more people who are gonna yell at me. Then the woman in the front seat takes out a Book of Mormon and waves at us and just smiles real big. I smiled and waved as well. It was way funny and perfectly timed. Then later we went and saw a part member family. The hermana was telling us how her son (hes 4) knows us as "inthenameofJesusChristAmen" So he saw us on Monday. I was carrying a plant that we picked up for the pension because it just needed a little more ambiance, and they passed on their moto. so he says to his mom MAAAMMMAAAA "inthenameofJesusChristAmen" and pointed at us... We had no idea but it was way funny. Yeah. As far as other random events, it was pretty much stuff that would frustrate me and stupid dramatic members. We are seeing progress from a lot of them though. =) *thumbs up*

Ok so thats about it for the week. Short, but not much to write about and this from the guy who kept track. So I will talk to you next week.

Conclusions: Food is fine, I will wash my hands. and my health is fine.
Con Amor
Elder Ben

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