Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 25, 2009

Hey family. So I get to email you, and its Christmas. I want to tell you how much I love you, but you already know it. I am wearing my new tie =) and have hung up my pictures of you all. Wednesday night we got our travel plans!!! Jan 04 SLC to Dallas Fort Worth(3:45 to 7:45 Central time) then 12 hours in the air with an arrival in Argentina at 9:05am the 5 of January. I will do my best to call you all (or Dad) at some point there. I also had the privilege of hearing from Elder Neil L. Andersen and Elder L. Tom Perry this week. Elder Andersen came and talked about the blessings that are stored up for us that sacrifice now in the bank for later when we are home honorably. He talked a lot about looking ahead to a brighter day, even if these are the happiest days of my life so far, the Lord has many blessings in store when I have a family of my own. He also said to record the things that I learn so that I can show them to my children as a father and teach them the lessons I learned. He told a story of when he was a mission president in France, and how he started feeling bad for some of the missionaries who were having troubles and as he was praying one night got a rather specific answer "Neil. You didn't put them in this situation. I did." I loved that, because it means that the Lord is mindful of me and has sent me here for a reason. We also got the chance to visit with a teacher (who was subbing for Hna Davis) whose brother served, and now lives in Cordoba. He said that the temple was not being built until the members started paying their tithing and getting excited about the work. I think that's what I am supposed to be there for. I am so excited to get the members excited, and to be able to help in the construction of a House of the Lord. We then had Elder Perry and his family this morning read the most written account of a historical event ever: the birth of the Savior. Its so much more than Luke 2. I love that story and always have, but there is so much more that was spoken of before and after his birth that isn't really part of the main story. I was also very grateful to receive the most mail I have ever received in a week. I am working on letters to: Grandma and Grandpa Ludlow, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Kathy, Aunt Lynn, Brent and Lauren Haddow, and Grandmom and Grandpop Staley. and for those that sent sweets my companions and district thank you as well. I would like to finally tell you about some of the more basic parts of my week: So this week we taught in the TE(Teaching Evaluation) every day. We taught many lessons this week that have taught me many lessons.
1. The Spirit will guide
2. Questions make the world go round.
3. Testimony...Bear it
4. Combine all of these and you will have a great lesson

1. Elder Bednar gave a talk about knowing when its the Spirit guiding or just in your head. "Quit worrying about it. Be a good boy, keep the commandments and your covenants, Do work, and words will come."
That came into full perspective as we taught one of the teachers(as himself), who said he was apprehensive about proposing to his girlfriend, because his parents had gotten divorced. The Spirit hit me really hard to share scriptures with him about how the Lord made Eve as a "helpmeet" for Adam and that it is not good for man to be alone. I ignored it and we continued teaching. He stopped us and said. "Look I'm a returned missionary, and I have heard this lesson probably 100 times. Teach me something new and relate it to me." So I did just that. The Spirit is not to be taken lightly and thoughts came that were not my own. and if you ever really want to know what to do, just remember this "Every Good Though Comes From God."

2.Questions make the world go round. Ask them. Ask your friends at school. Ask your coworkers. Ask your family. What do they believe? What ways can they see how God has helped them in their lives? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

3.Testimony. Bear It!
Do it. Those questions you ask will merit more questions from you and from them. Bear your testimony of the answers. you know it go for it. Everyone wonders why the Mormons are so weird. answer them.

4. Combine all these things and You will have someone for the missionaries including me to teach.

I love you all. I know that this work is true, and that I do it with a plaque on my chest that says I am a representative of Christ, and when that day comes when I get to kneel at his feet and feel the wounds from the cross and thank him, my service will be like a badge of honor. I know that Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ, and that as a prophet he was able to translate the Book of Mormon. I know that the Book of Mormon is the most correct of any book on this Earth, and it talks of Christ and testifies of Him and His mission. I know that God loves us, and most especially you. I know that we have a prophet on the Earth today and his name is Thomas S. Monson. I know all these things and I love you as best I can.

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