Saturday, December 12, 2009

December 11, 2009

Weird to think that this is week 6 and that in 3 1/2 weeks I will be in Argentina...
I'm glad you liked the letter. I confess I did write it during Personal Study, but it was a way for me to review what Elder Holland had said. It turned out to be quite helpful. I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything about last week. It was just a fairly regular week so I felt like sharing that lesson instead. I am gonna send you the Notes for Elder Ludlow today, and I would like a favor. Could you put a date on your letters from now on? I have been trying to figure out the Dear Elder turn around time.
Sarah would get the top score. Especially with all the work she has been doing. I am so proud of her. =P I hope she can too.
Today we got to go to the temple for the second to last time before we leave. It is closing for maintenance on the 19th, so I get to go one more time. I love the temple. Even when its the 80's version instead of the one we saw when I went through LA(we got to see that one last week when our session got delayed) Elder Stoddard. Oh my. he was in my Zone here. Be nice. YSA Elders... hmmm Santa Cruz? seriously love it. Its awesome. Get me some pictures yeah? Did you forward my email to Grandma Ludlow? I will have to write them a regular letter too... Yay Christmas tree. We had a christmas tree... sort of. The elders in my room before us ripped a pine tree limb off and put it stuck into a box and put some candy wrappers and stuff on it. just call the desk a christmas present to DI or something if you can't get rid of it soon.
Primary Program and Choir Concert!!! yikes! I loved watching the christmas devotional and seeing Mack Wilberg(Frank Turner's long lost brother). I also really liked President Uchtdorf's talk.
Speaking of Christmas I have some bad news. I don't get to call you on Christmas. I will make you a deal though. I will call you from the airport on one of my many layovers I am assuming I will have. My travel plans come in next weekish. Probably call Dad's phone, or home...
If you think its cold in CA guess how cold it was the other day in Delta(only on my Branch Presidents word): -18!!!!!
HACE FRIO! And yeah I know christmas is coming, but the cold is already here. I would love to enjoy Baked mac and Cheese but I am here "sacrificing"
This week not much else was new, but definitely growing and understanding. I knew the day would come for my spanish to be not the best at all. lol I knew it wasn't. But now its to the point where its all think on your feet and its getting tough I admit. but I love it. on wednesday we meet with the Argentine Consulate en mass. Fun stuff. I hope to hear from you soon and that everything is still going well at home. Did they do a living Nativity?

I love you all and miss you. I want you to enjoy christmas without me and to read in Luke 2 the christmas story and watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.
Love Elder Ludlow

PS I ran into the kid that came from Landon's mission to live with the Cooley's. Saw a guy in a Ventura Pest Control shirt and was all hey. turns out he is going to LA west. He is a great Elder I can tell.
Tell the ward hello, and maybe share the letter from last week about hope if they ask for a missionary minute...
Oh and can you get Sam, and Michael's emails for me? thanks.

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