Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 11, 2011

Way to go Michael. Sounds like Michael has really changed in his mission.
Yeah Reflections of Christ, is that the book of black and white photos that Sarah got for you? I think it was on Display at BYU-I when I was there. Way good. I like the opening introduction when he tells about how he came up with his idea.
It's: down, hit yourself, hit your friend, up. Really simple and no one really looks at you anyways. I always said it in Chilecito (thats right, I know how to direct too.. dont tell) and I would always call out the type of singing I expected based on the With Fervor and the timing. Its more fun, and people actually try. Who knows if its orthodox or not, but it worked. *shoulder shrug*

Whoa when did all these guys get their calls? I must not have been paying attention. And now people are getting married too. What has this world come to? =P
Be careful with your back, you know how that goes.
Yup Aly is a big girl now. Funny how we say it, but shes only 15. Shes one of the most mature 15 almost 16 year old I know.
I know that they are working really hard to help others and are being blessed for it. Just gotta keep praying that they can come home, because that will be from the peace and tranquility that we need at home. Grandma will have to be home for Christmas. She will make sure that the work gets done before that.

This week we got some good progress with our investigators, and I got the video of Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration (that one that was in the visitors centers) and we are seeing it touch peoples lives and hearts for the better. This week is gonna be good. =)
We have 3 baptisms for this month minimum and I am way stoked about that. Its not all the time that we can baptize more than one a month here, or at least for me its not as common.
I have been getting along well with my new comp elder Vera. Hes from Texas/military so from a few places, but he is finishing this transfer to be able to go to school in the fall. I am enjoying being with another Elder who has a similar amount of time as me, and being able to relate and work in a similar form as him. We are gonna tear it up this week and Baptize Teresa. =)
Well gotta be heading out, tell Sarah to update the blog, cuz I got a few more questions on that subject about how things are going, they say that nothing new has come in since October... =P

Love you
Elder Ben Ludlow

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