Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 1, 2011

Yeah it was not exactly busy, its just not much to talk about other than the baptism. It doesn't seem to matter what ya do, there is always something that manages to go wrong. Its all in the attitude of how ya handle it. Murphy says that even if you have everything in place, everything can go wrong. this week we were busy getting the interview for the baptism, the baptismal invitations, the clothes, who was going to baptize, making sure that the bishopric could show up, making sure the baptized persons show up, just making sure of everything. The bishopric member who was going to come, has a double hernia, and it got really cold on Saturday... in fact it snowed. THAT RIGHT IT SNOWED!!!!! It didn't stick, but well you can imagine all the Argentines FREAKIN out, we had almost no one at the baptism, but the last 7 recent converts were there. They are actually all pretty tight despite their various age differences and everything, its surprising how the recently changed of heart feel that companionship for each other. As an overall experience, it was quite well done. While we were waiting for everyone to get there, we just sat and watched the Doctrine and Covenants resource DVDs and they are awesome. So in one room all the people who attended the baptism watching movies and being spiritually uplifted together, while the elders run around the church wondering what happened to all the people they invited. Every once in awhile we would go check on them, and they had put on another video, and it was just peaceful in there. It was like this little bubble of spiritual paradise. at one point i realized that Edgar wasn't in there, so i went to look for him, he was in the bathroom, just holding on to the sink, and tapping his foot, all nervous. So I asked him if he was nervous, and he just kind of grunted "yup". Well why don't we go in to the room where everyone is watching videos its nice and warm. you ll be fine, Elder Vera wont drown you "yeah ill be fine, I'm not worried about elder vera,besides its all your fault, you knocked my door, and it seems like so little time, but I am so happy about this. Thanks."

This was from Edgar who probably has said a total of 100 words to us since we met him 8 weeks ago. Hes pretty quiet, but as we have gotten to know him and explained the gospel his heart and his mouth have opened and he is so much happier. He literally said that he felt like he had been reborn. Its great to see a new family ready to strive forward in the church.

Yesterday the bishop pulled me out of Elders quorum to give my testimony of the mission to the young men. A little off guard, I realized how much I have learned here in the mission, and well its almost unfathomable what one can learn when being constantly instructed by the Spirit. I love knowing that the Lord has me in mind every time that I am teaching someone else and I can capture a truth or say something that I didn't think I knew but that I really did know. That's how my testimony has grown here. Line upon line, precept upon precept. I know that this church is true and that through the restoration all things pertaining to our salvation have been revealed and that we will continue to be guided by the Lord and His Prophet until He comes and personally reigns and guides us through the last moments of our mortal lives, and brings us through His sacrifice to Exaltation. I am eternally grateful to Him for the Atonement. Without it life would have no reason, because there would be no escape from all the errors that we commit.

So I have a feeling that wasnt the last time you saw something like that. There is much more to come. stake callings are like that. Think about other great young mens leaders, ie Helaman and the 2000 stripling warriors.
Thats one of those its about time things. Pop has always been dedicated to scouting. He is a scouter. What did they call that award? How is pop doing? How is his memoir going?
Aly is now 16. So i bugged her last week, and she promised me there would be no kissing boys. I hope that was the case. =P she wrote me today and gave me a nahnahnahnah Im available and you arent here to do anythign about it. PBBBPPBPBPBPPB

Yeah other than that things are good here in the mission. I just feel good. =)
WEll gotta be getting out of here.
Love ya´ll
Elder Ben Ludlow

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